
CTE, Domains, EdTech

11 11 11 #postvember

Daniel Lynds is posting “11 sentences everyday that take spatterings from things around [him]” during the month of November and I wanted to write one because I like the idea and it looked fun (what better day than 11/11?). I’m still pondering the fantastic/organic discussion we had during our reading group this week about cultural […]

CTE, Domains, EdTech, How To, Projects

Securing Websites & Saving Space With Static HTML

A couple weeks ago, I completed a couple web maintenance projects I’ve been meaning to tackle. HTTPS FTW I (finally) secured many of my DoOO websites using this guide from Reclaim Hosting (thanks Tim!). Now, GOBLIN, eXperiencePlay, etc. will automatically serve encrypted https:// links instead of http://. I’m really EXCITED about completing this project as Google […]

CTE, EdTech, Workshop, XP

eXperience Publish

If you are interested in participating in eXperience Play (XP) remotely, I am going to provide a to-do list of items each week. These to-do lists will include a variety of tasks such as playing games, reflecting, blogging, and portions of game development. If you complete all five to-do lists, you will produce an educational text-based […]

CTE, EdTech, Workshop, XP

eXperience Polish

If you are interested in participating in eXperience Play (XP) remotely, I am going to provide a to-do list of items each week. These to-do lists will include a variety of tasks such as playing games, reflecting, blogging, and portions of game development. If you complete all five to-do lists, you will produce an educational text-based […]